G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project



The aim  is to co-operate  on matters concerning the management of school or the choice of educational methods functional to the solution of a common problem.

In this context the general themes we will be considering are: “sport and education”.

“Is it possible to practise at competitive level land at the same time to attend school achieving  good results in both field? Which strategies are used in different countries to reconcile sport activities and study? Which plans are employed? Which relations are there between sport and the ethical values of democratic living, health, environmental care and science progress?”


Length of our project

3 years



Italy , Holland , Spain , France , Hungary , Czech Republic


Activities to perform

The activities of these three years will be linked to TOROC Educational plan on the five Olympic rings. Each ring has  a different colour and each ring identifies a different thematic.

2003/2004 Blue ring HEALTH EDUCATION: food and right nourishment – doping – safety in sport

Yellow ring SPORT SCIENCE AND SPORT CULTURE: progress –  the importance  of performance, the new technologies.

Black ring INTERCOLTURE AND LANGUAGES: sport as a cultural event, meeting between people, schools, partnership  and exchanges.


Green ring  SPORT AND ENVIRONMENT: sport  activity and equipment at school.

Red ring SPORT AND SPORT COLTURE: sport at school - theory and practice -training and competition.

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